Sponsor a Student

Donors who participate in Sponsor a Student are matched to a Horizons of Pitt County student and commit to funding their summer learning experience at the annual giving level of $3,000, the average per student cost of our signature six-week summer learning program. Thank you for your interest in sponsoring a Horizons scholar!

(* Denotes Required Fields)

Step 1: Your Information
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Company/Organization :
Email Address : *
Primary Phone: *
Street Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code:
How did you hear about Horizons at The Oakwood School?: *
Step 2: Sponsorship Preferences
Is there a specific student you would like to sponsor? If so, provide as much information about that child as possible and Horizons at The Oakwood School will contact you about the match. Please note if you are a renewing member, you will be matched with your student from last summer:
If not, please select a student from our featured profiles or answer the following questions and we will match you a student who fits that description.:
In what grade would you like for the student to be enrolled?:
Step 3: Donation
Please indicate your method of payment. Online payments will be processed immediately via our DonorBox site: