The Challenge

Today, the more than 32 million children living in under-resourced families face even greater obstacles to educational opportunity and economic mobility.

The Challenge

Low-income Horizons students learning in the classroomAll children deserve the opportunity to succeed. But it’s harder than ever to find a path out of poverty without a college education or technical training.

  • Under-resourced students are six times more likely to drop out of high school and fewer than one third of them will enroll in college.
  • A 6th grade student who misses more than 20% of class, whose teacher reports poor behavior, or who fails math or English is 70% more likely to drop out of school.
  • The current high school dropout rate is a primary contributor to stagnating U.S. economic mobility and results in over $300 billion in lost wages, taxable income, and health care, welfare and incarceration costs.
  • While states and the nation are trying to produce workers with skills to master new technologies and adapt to complexities of a global economy, school budgets have become tighter than ever.
  • Summer learning loss is a primary cause of the persistent academic achievement gap. Without programs like Horizons, under-resourced students experience a substantial and cumulative erosion of reading and math skills that can ultimately leave them years behind their peers.